The best time to spray pesticides in summer

Practice has proved that spraying pesticides in summer, whether it is food crops, vegetable crops, economic crops, or fruit trees, should be the best time between 8 and 10 am and 5 pm. This is because: Around 9:00 am, the general dew is dry and the temperature is not too high. It is the most prolific time for sunrise pests to eat, move, and mate. Therefore, medication is not used at this time because the medicine is washed or diluted with dew. To reduce its efficacy, it will not affect the efficacy due to the decomposition of the chemicals caused by high temperatures. On the contrary, the use of drugs at the time will increase the chances of pests feeding and touching drugs, effectively increasing the lethality of pesticides. Around 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the sun was already on the west side, the light faded, and the nocturnal insects began to become active. Therefore, spraying at this time also had a higher killing effect.

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