Ten points for rabbit winter management

The low temperature in winter, lack of light, and lack of green feed have brought inconvenience to rabbits. In order to ensure that rabbits can survive the winter, we must do a good job of feeding and management that focuses on preventing cold and warmth.

The main points are as follows:

1, maintenance cage, cold and warm. The rabbit house building should face south to the south. After the winter, the rabbit house should be inspected thoroughly. The windows should be covered with glass or nailed with a film. The grass and cotton curtains should be hung on the door to prevent the cold wind from invading the rabbit house. Control the airflow in the rabbit house so that the temperature in the rabbit house is maintained at 5°C to 10°C. As far as possible, the rabbit is less affected by changes in outside air temperature.

2, dehumidification dehumidifier, force dry. Rabbits prefer a gentle dry environment. If the ground is wet, some grass ash or quicklime can be sprinkled. This will remove moisture and help disinfect and keep the rabbit house.

3, increase the thickness of grass, increase bed temperature. The mat grass has functions of moisture absorption, warming and warming, and absorption of harmful gases. In order to increase the temperature in the winter rabbit house, some soft grass mats can be added to the rabbit bed, and the mat grass can be frequently sun-turned or replaced to facilitate rabbits. The bed is cold and warm.

4, adjust the diet, provide enough forage. The low-temperature environment has increased the consumption of calories in rabbits. Therefore, the dietary supply for rabbits in winter should generally increase by 20% to 30%, and in particular, some high-energy feeds should be added. The number of feedings and the amount of feeding should also be appropriately increased. After 9 o'clock in the evening, concentrate feed should be fed once again to supplement the energy consumed by the rabbits due to the cold. The amount of green feed should not be less than 30% to increase the vitamins given to rabbits.

5. Create conditions and do a good job of wintering. In order to complete the winter breeding work of rabbits, the temperature in the rabbit house should try to maintain above 10°C. Usually should be fed a suitable amount of germination feed and vitamin C-rich feed to ensure that the female rabbit can normal heat. Winter breeding is best arranged after the lunar calendar in October, choose to be in the sunny noon or early and late breeding.

6, careful management, improve the survival rate of puppies. In order to improve the survival rate of puppies in winter, plastic film greenhouses, semi-underground rabbit houses or mother rabbits can be used for separate management.

7, timely shearing, strengthen nursing. Winter is the season when the long-haired rabbits produce a good hair. We should grasp the best timing for hair collection. When the rabbit hair grows to a standard, we choose to seize the time in sunny days to cut the hair at the right time. After cutting the hair, in order to prevent the shearing rabbit from catching a cold, the cold-proof and warm-keeping work of the shearing rabbit should be done within 2 weeks.

8, timely prevention of frostbite. If it is found that the rabbit's skin is red and swollen, the rabbit should be immediately transferred to a warm place for treatment; if the frostbite is relatively dry, apply animal and vegetable oils to moisten the site; when the local skin is swollen and severe, The part is rubbed with iodine glycerol; if the local skin has appeared vesicles, you can use a sterile knife or needle to tear the skin out, discharge the liquid, and then apply some antibiotic ointment, if necessary, can be wound dressing To prevent wound infection.

9, proper exercise and solarium. Exercise and sunbathing can strengthen the rabbit's constitution, promote the production of vitamin D3 in rabbits through ultraviolet radiation, increase the intestinal absorption of calcium, and improve the body's resistance to disease.

10, do a good job of health, disease prevention and disease prevention. The common diseases of rabbits in winter include colds, constipation, diarrhea, and sputum. According to the characteristics of these diseases, we should focus on prevention, strengthen daily feeding and management, and regularly disinfect rabbit houses.

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