Soil is compromised by poor vegetable efficiency

2011-1-12 8:39:26 On the growth of vegetables, we often find that in the newly opened soil for planting vegetables, the vegetables grow well and grow, and the soil for growing vegetables for many years, especially the continuous cultivation of certain In a vegetable soil, the yield and quality often show a downward trend because of the obstacles in the soil environment. Soil is the foundation for the growth of all things. If it is used reasonably, it can provide abundant returns to humans. However, if the soil cannot be scientifically applied, the benefits of planting vegetables will be greatly reduced.

In the practice of vegetable production, whether it is planted in Daejeon or cultivated using plastic greenhouses, there are obstacles to the soil, which brings unsteady factors to the normal growth of vegetables. This kind of soil disturbance is generally manifested in three aspects. First, some vegetable crop varieties are planted in succession, resulting in some soils lacking certain nutrients, and some diseases and pests are serious, such as nematodes, wilt disease, bacterial wilt, sclerotia. Disease, soft rot, etc.; Second, the soil acidity (PH) gradually acidified, not suitable for vegetable growth; Third, some soil fertilizer solution is too large, resulting in reverse osmosis, light lead to vegetable stagnation, severe causes rot Dead seedlings.

The reason for the occurrence of soil disorders, in terms of weight loss, is that some crops need more nutrients for a certain type, and long-term planting will make the elements lack, affecting the growth of vegetables and showing symptoms of nutrient deficiency. At the same time, certain specific pests accumulate in the soil year after year, causing increasing damage to the vegetables; from soil acidification, the main application of nitrogen nutrients is too much, through microbial action into nitric acid, resulting in increased nitrate content . According to the determination, the content of nitric acid in protected areas is more than five times higher than that of cultivated vegetable fields in the field. In terms of soil salinization, the loss is mainly due to fertilizer application, and most of them accumulate in the soil tillage layer, resulting in higher salt concentration than field vegetable. 4 times above ground.

In order to protect vegetable production from the normal growth and development, eliminate or reduce the physiological and biochemical barriers and pests caused by soil, in the management of fertilizer and water, the following improvements should be made.

First, change the single fertilizer to mix with organic fertilizer. Single application of chemical fertilizer will accelerate deterioration of soil properties. After organic fertilizer is added, soil organic matter content can be increased, more ammonium, potassium and calcium ions can be absorbed, soil nutrient concentration can be adjusted, soil buffer capacity can be enhanced, and vegetable growth can be effectively supplied. The whole dollar nutrient. At the same time, a combination of chemical fertilizers and organic fertilizers should be used, and deep application should be made so that quick-effect fertilizers and delayed-effect fertilizers can complement each other to increase the fertilizer supply capacity.

Second, change the soil to shallow plough for deep plowing. Because the salt accumulates in the surface of the tillage layer within 5 cm of the soil, and less than 25 cm of the tillage layer accumulates, after every vegetable collection, deep plowing is performed to reduce the salt content.

Third, change over-dressing excessive amount is a small number of times. Too much top dressing will increase soil acidity or alkalinity and inhibit vegetable growth. Top dressings should be applied in small quantities several times, and the cultivation of fertilizers outside the roots should be promoted. In particular, active liquid fertilizers such as chasing Hui Man Fung or Zhuang Fuxing should be promoted, which can effectively alleviate several obstacles caused by Lian Biao.

Fourth, regular flood irrigation. For vegetable lands with high salinization degree, in addition to salt scouring during rainfall, combined with drought resistance, salt washing should be performed every year using a large-scale furrow irrigation method. The first is the quick-irrigation speed row, and the second is the dipping and salt reduction to make the soil solution. The decline in the concentration of the vegetables gives normal growth and development.

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