Regional Dairy Market Attack and Defense Strategy - 2

3. 500 kilometers of regional milk building The 500-km Palestine defense line transportation area is also a key point for all products that need to rely on cold-chain logistics. In the 500-kilometre transport area, low-temperature products can guarantee the transportation supply market, but after getting out of the 500-km transport area, Therefore, it is necessary to continue to ensure the smooth development of market development through the establishment of sub-warehouses or bases. However, with the launch of national brands in the low-temperature milk market, through the establishment of bases throughout the country and the annexation of regional brands, full use of its brand competitive advantage to better match the future market development trend, the future of the dairy market competition will become increasingly incompetent prediction. It is obviously not difficult for the regional dairy industry to resist the national brand with a strong product group if only relying on the two traditional products of pasteurized milk and yogurt. However, we need to establish our own 500km Pakistani defense from the following three aspects:

1. A low-temperature chain to catch the national brand expansion is the most critical step in building a 500km Pakistani defense line for the regional milk brand, because pasteurized milk is characterized by low-temperature sterilization, low-temperature transport, low-temperature refrigeration, and full cold chain. The high logistics transportation costs and distribution costs brought about by national brands make it difficult to obtain competitive advantages in the region by producing products with the same price. Due to the increase in the cost of sales caused by the transportation distance, it is difficult for the national brands to use the Pasteur milk offensive area. The core market of milk.

Therefore, the regional pasteurized milk must firmly grasp the low-temperature chain, comprehensively build every link in the low-temperature chain, and establish a strong low-temperature chain competition protection network. From milk sources, production, transportation, delivery to sales terminals, to fully build low-temperature competitive advantages, we can only hold back the pace of national brand offenses, lock the national brands in the normal temperature market, and let ourselves be close to each family.

With the protection of the low-temperature industrial chain, regional brands can use high costs and high manpower to block the national brand from 500 kilometers of transportation and exclude national brands from 2-6 degrees of fresh space, making it difficult to enter regional brands. The field of low-temperature products, thereby effectively protecting the market territory of regional brands, and helping regional brands to better occupy the dominance of the regional market.

2, with the date card, to combat normal temperature milk sales defects in the terminal sales process, for the national brand, due to long-distance transport and channel links are more, plus room temperature milk shelf life is longer, so the product sales date often In contrast to regional brands, that is to say, when we compare the production dates of national and regional brand products at the terminal, regional brand dates tend to be fresher, and national brand dates are even worse. Fresh dates are an important factor that consumers are concerned about because it is also a criterion for consumers to judge whether a product is good or bad.

Therefore, for the low-temperature transportation of regional pasteurized milk, the most intuitive factor that surpasses the national brand is the fresh quality that comes from the shelf life and the production date. This is the two indicators that consumers can most intuitively recognize the benefits of pasteurized milk. The use of good can completely combat the national brand.

With a focus on the sale of milk dates, once the consumer has formed a date that is as fresh as possible, the market will be completely dominated by regional brands because the sales date of a regional brand can always be better than a national brand. If this can't be done, then such a regional brand will not be able to build anything on the 500 kilometers of the Pakistani defense.

3. Prohibition of incense orders highlights the true nature of pasteurized milk products. A paper “ban incense order” once stirred up the Chinese dairy industry. The Ministry of Health explicitly stated in the “Principles for the Use of Flavors and Flavors for Food (Consultation Draft)” including: 25 kinds of foods such as pure milk, raw fermented milk, infant formula, etc. shall not be added with food flavors or spices. Once this news was announced, the dairy industry once again became the focus of attention of the whole society, causing many hot debates.

Although the “ban on incense” still remains at the stage of soliciting opinions, its influence should not be underestimated. Nearly 80% of consumers expressed support for the “ban on incense”. Although no additives will affect the taste of dairy products, they still choose to be healthy. in principle. At the same time, consumers also expressed the hope that dairy companies will strengthen the control of additives such as flavors, and continue the natural properties of milk to preserve the original flavor. It can be seen that consumers actually do not want to see too many flavors and additives. According to the 2010 China Quality Association survey, consumers have a totally negative attitude towards using additives in liquid milk production, accounting for 35.3%. 22.1% of the negative attitudes, 36% of the positive attitudes, and 6.6% of the respondents said it was unclear.

From an industry perspective, the issuance of a ban on incense is just like the issuance of a ban on fresh food in 2004. The ban on fresh food has helped normal temperature milk, making pasteurized milk disadvantaged in competition, and its product features cannot be reflected. This year's ban on incense orders is equivalent to helping the region's pasteurized milk to recover the true qualities of its products. In the past, the regional pasteurized milk was difficult to surpass the national brands in terms of aroma, and today scent has become a disadvantage. Naturally, regional brands can blatantly highlight their authenticity, and they can say with great fanfare that their aromas are not as good as normal milk in the country because we do not add flavors, so our products are healthier.

Of course, when constructing the 500km Pakistani defense line for regional brands, we should guard against the national brand from the hypermarkets attacking the regional low-temperature Pap's heart. For example, the promotion of Mengniu modern ranch directly forms a direct conflict with the Sanyuan, although it cannot enter the three yuan. The traditional channel community has set a milk market, but in modern distribution channels, it has formed a strong impact on the three-element low-temperature milk. This requires that the regional Pakistani brand achieve two breakthroughs:

The breakthrough of the first modern channel: First of all, we must improve the operational capacity of modern circulation, and learn to deal with supermarkets in the region, because modern circulation has strong regional radiation capabilities, can help regional brands out of the region, and better expand the market outside the region. For example, Carrefour, RT-Mart, Wal-Mart, etc., these hypermarkets are all national, if the product power and brand power enough, regional brands can quickly out of the region. And national brands can quickly use these benchmarked stores to quickly break into the core markets of regional brands. Therefore, only by improving the influence of modern circulation can we better ensure that the 500 km Pakistani defense is not defeated by our opponents.

Of course, for the traditional core community channels, regional brands must strengthen the deep-growing network to ensure that each community, every street, and each building has its own person in charge, so that it can increase community sales and prevent other low-temperature bar. Brands took the opportunity to enter. For good communities, image stores can also be established to better serve the community and enhance the brand community's influence.

Breakthrough in the second brand building: brand building should be strengthened in the business process, because brand building is the place where regional brands are inferior to national brands, and national brands surpass regional brands. Therefore, if a regional brand wants to consolidate its own defense, it must Increase investment in brand image construction, concentrate resources in the region to form a national brand beyond, this can create an unbreakable 500 kilometers Pakistani defense.

In the image construction, we should make more use of regional local culture, such as local important events, celebrations, culture, dialects, etc., to highlight the regional characteristics of the brand, so that consumers in the region can form an identity, while creating ubiquitous Intimacy, so that regional consumers can feel the brand's impact anytime, anywhere. Having a unique and distinctive regional brand image can better capture local consumers and contrast with national brands.

Only in this way, the regional Pakistani brand can give full play to its advantages, using the 500 km Pakistani defense, blocking the national brands outside its own core market, and defeating the national brands in the region, so that they become the market leader.

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