Meat should be eaten with vegetables

Meat foods contain a large amount of cholesterol that affects human health; moreover, if the meat is misaligned with other foods, some of the nutrients in the meat cannot be absorbed well. If meat products and vegetables are used together with the same food, both the vitamins and inorganic salts contained in the vegetables can be absorbed by the body, and part of the cholesterol and its decomposition products in the meat can be excreted with the fibers of the vegetables. As an acidic meat and vegetables as an alkaline food, it can also maintain the normal acid-base balance in the human body, which is beneficial to the health of the body.

Beet contains betaine, an effective regulator of metabolism, which accelerates the body's absorption of protein and improves liver function. Beet has the effect of gasification under the intestines and opening the chest. Beef is rich in protein and it has the effect of invigorating the spleen and strengthening the stomach, nourishing Qi, nourishing blood, and strengthening gluten. Beets and beef are served with the same food, which has the effect of strengthening the spleen and the stomach. Healthy people eat well and keep fit. In addition, it is also suitable for the adjuvant treatment of spleen diarrhea, diabetes, indigestion, Yaoxisuanruan, gastric ulcer and other diseases.

Seaweed is a kind of refreshing seaweed, which contains very rich nutrients. In the general diet, it is usually used as soup. Using seaweed to make soup with meat not only has a refreshing taste, but also the rich fat in meat helps the many substances such as trace elements and vitamins in seaweed to be more easily absorbed by the body. In addition, the seaweed taste cold and cold, not suitable for people who are physically weak and cold. If used with meat, it can reduce its coldness.

Sun Dried Cut Kelp

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