Cultivation Techniques of Cherry Tomatoes in Solar Greenhouse

Cherry tomatoes, also known as mini tomatoes, contain a variety of vitamins, mineral salts, etc., like ordinary tomatoes, not cold, not heat. Winter and spring can be used ordinary and excellent type of solar greenhouse, generally in late October until early November sowing, the following year in mid-January, late in the month to early February planting, in March to mid-to June to market.

Second, nursery

High quality seedlings are the basis for high yields. The cherry tomato seedlings are: stout stem erect, short internodes, 7-9 large leaves, dark green leaves, hypertrophy, slightly purple leaves, well-developed root system, plant height 20-25 cm, stem thickness 0.6 cm Around, the whole plant was umbrella-shaped, with small buds before planting and no pests and diseases.

Winter and spring hoe cultivation, seedlings in the cold winter, low temperature and weak light, short sunshine, is not conducive to seedling growth. Therefore, in the nursery process, we must pay attention to cold insulation, and strive for more light, so that the seedlings grow strong.

1, sowing date and seedling age

About 70 days of seedling age, such as the use of geothermal heating, seedbed nursery, seedling age can be shortened to about 50 days. The sowing date is determined by the seedling age, the planting period and the listing period.

2. Preparation before sowing

1 Prepare seeds, 40-50g seeds per acre, ready in advance. 2 bed soil preparation. According to their own conditions, bed soil can be used in one of the following formulations. A, Yuan Tiantu 2/3+ decomposed horse manure 1/3. B, 1/3 of the garden field soil sieving fine slag 1/3 + maturity horse 1/3 (the use of garden soil is more viscous, calculated by volume). C, 60% of peat charcoal + 30% of garden soil + 10% of decomposed chicken manure (by volume).

The proportion of seedbed soil is: fertile garden soil 6 parts, decomposed organic fertilizer 4 parts, bed soil dosage requirements are: seedbed thickness of 8-10 cm, about 100 kg per square meter seedbed soil; soil bed soil thickness change For 10-12 centimeters, about 140 kg per square meter of seedbed is required. Generally, it needs to plant a bed of 5 square meters per acre and a seedbed of 50 square meters. At the same time, bed soil must be disinfected. The bed soil shall be sprayed with 40% formaldehyde 300-500 times liquid, one layer of spray shall be sprayed, and then plastic The film is covered, sealed for 5-7 days, uncovered for 2-3 days, and ready for use.

3. Seed disinfection and soaking

1 Seed Disinfection: Elimination of pathogens that are carried inside and outside the seeds to reduce the sources of infection. Usually hot soaking seeds. The method is: first soak the seed in cold water for 20-30 minutes, remove it and place it at about 50-55°C, stir it in hot water, add hot water at any time, and keep the water temperature at about 50°C for 20-30 minutes. After the temperature is lowered to room temperature, soak the seeds for another 4-5 hours, remove them with a cloth, and germinate them.

2 Germination: The seed germination temperature is 20-28 °C, the seeds are allowed to dry to discrete, wrapped with a moist towel or gauze, placed in germination box, incubator or near the fire, germination at 25-30 °C, in the germination process Wash the seeds 1-2 times daily with warm water. When most of the seeds are white, then they can be sown.

4, sowing

After germination of cherry tomato seeds, dry the water outside the seeds and pour the foot water in the seeding bed. The temperature of the winter sowing water should be 30°C. If the soil temperature is low, the water temperature can be higher. After the water seeps, the bed is in bed. Spread a thin layer of bed soil and spread the seeds evenly on the bed. If the technique is unskillful, the seeds can be mixed into the fine sand and sprinkled, and then cover the fine soil about 1 cm.

5. Seedling management

1 temperature management: (see the following table)

2 Moisture Management: Watering should be strictly controlled during the entire nursery period, without flooding, and watering should be done 5-7 days before planting.

Third, colonization

1. 15 to 20 days before colonization, decal membrane, increase the temperature, apply more than 5,000 kg of fully-fertilized organic fertilizer per mu, 50 mg of superphosphate, 40 kg of diammonium, and conduct greenhouse disinfection 3-4 days before planting. The methods are: With sulphur powder, chlorothalonil and sawdust, mix in a ratio of 0.5-1:1:5 kg to ignite fumes, seal for 48 hours, and ventilate for 24 hours.

2. Planting period: When the soil temperature of 10 cm deep soil layer stably passes 8°C or more, it can be planted in mid-January and early-February.

3. Method of colonization: The plants were planted with membrane-breaking water, with two rows per plant, 25-30cm spacing between limited growth types, 3000-3500 strains per mu, and 2000-2500 strains without fertilization and growth.

IV. Management after planting

1, temperature and humidity management

At the beginning of planting, in order to promote the easing of the seedlings, the wind is not released, and the high temperature and high humidity environment is maintained. The temperature is 25-30°C during the day and 15-17°C at night. After easing the seedlings, they began to regulate the temperature and humidity by exhaling, 20-25°C during the day and 15-17°C at night. After each watering, the air should be released in a timely manner to prevent diseases caused by excessive temperature.

2, water and fertilizer management

After easing the seedlings, the water should be planted by pouring small water once and then start seedlings. When the first and second spikes bloom and sit, end the seedlings, pour 1 small water, and chase into 1000kg of human excrement. After 1 week, pour 1 time of water. Afterwards, treat the soil, weather, and seedlings in time to water. Soil see dry see wet, and every 1 to 2 times after the recovery of urea, 10-15 kg per mu.

3, plant adjustment

Single dry pruning, timely removal of tillers, hanging nylon with nylon rope, due to the long harvest period, the nylon rope must be solid, not easy to aging. Every 8-10 ear fruit topping, or at any time out of wire rod, so that it grows indefinitely. Remove the old leaves in time and stick to thinning and thinning fruit.

4, hormone retention

The flowers were sprayed with 15 mg/kg of 2.4-D soda or 40 mg/kg of anti-droplet. However, we must pay attention to not repeat flowering, and gradually reduce the concentration with increasing temperature, the whole growth period are treated with hormones, otherwise it is easy to form empty ear or small fruit.

V. Harvesting

The cherry tomatoes are charged by the toll collectors and generally do not need artificial ripening, and the fruits of different mature dates can be picked at any time according to their needs.

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