The type and characteristics of common feed for cattle

Feed is the material basis for the development of cattle breeding. With the feed can be properly used to raise cattle. There are many types of feed for cattle, and the main and commonly used ones are introduced later. 1. Green fodder Green fodder refers to natural forages, artificially cultivated pastures, and vegetable feedstuffs. It is characterized by rich nutrients, high crude protein content, generally 12% to 25%, and the quality is better than sub-species and agricultural and sideline products. The content of crude fiber is lower at the early stage of plant growth and higher at the later stage. Green feed has good palatability and is easy to digest, but it has a large volume and a high moisture content. The quality of legume green feed in green feed is better than that of grass and vegetable feed. Commonly used green feed for cattle is grassy, ​​corn leaf, cauliflower. Cabbage, sweet potato vines, peanut vines, wild grass, cane tail, carrots and so on. Second, silage silage is to put fresh green and juicy feed, such as corn stalks, sugar cane tail. Sweet potato vines, peanut vines, elephant grass, sweet potatoes, etc., are harvested directly or after being properly air-dried, chopped, sealed and stored in silages, pagodas, or towers, and produced under lactic acid fermentation in an air-destroying environment. It can not only maintain the nutritional value of green feed, increase the palatability of raw materials, but also adjust the balanced supply of green feed, which is a good feed for cattle. (A) The principle of silage Silage is the fresh green and juicy feed chopped into a silo, silage tower or silage, compacted and sealed, microbial fermentation through the sour taste, delicious fragrance of the feed. This feed can be stored for months or even years. So silage is a good way to store green feed for a long time. The key to the quality of silage is to create certain conditions to ensure the growth and reproduction of beneficial bacteria in the air and attached to feed, such as lactic acid bacteria and yeasts, so that the feed can be fermented to produce proper amount of lactic acid, and to inhibit other harmful bacteria such as Growth of mold, spoilage bacteria, caseobacteria, etc. Lactic acid bacteria are anaerobic bacteria that require certain sugars and water during growth and reproduction. Therefore, silage raw materials should contain a certain amount of sugar and the right amount of moisture. When the sugar content is low, the lactic acid bacteria multiply slowly and the lactic acid produced is very small, so it is difficult to inhibit the growth of other bacteria, and it is unfavorable for silage. Too much or too little moisture content is also unfavorable for silage. The concentration of water through the polysaccharide becomes thinner and the juice extravasates, resulting in the loss of nutrients, and it is easy to breed the caseobacteria and make the quality of the silage not good; too little water is not easily compacted, and it can easily cause aerobic spoilage bacteria to multiply, causing mildew and spoilage. The raw material used for silage requires a moisture content of 65% to 70%. If the raw material is tender, the moisture content can be lower than 60%; when the raw material is coarse and old, the moisture content can be higher than 70%; if the low-hydration silage is carried out, the moisture content should be 40% to 60%. At the same time, since lactic acid bacteria are anaerobic bacteria, silage materials must be chopped and compacted during silage in order to promote rapid growth and reproduction of lactic acid bacteria, produce large amounts of lactic acid, and inhibit the growth of other microorganisms. When the amount of lactic acid produced reaches a certain amount, the lactic acid bacteria are also inhibited, thereby stopping the growth, so that a sterile and oxygen-free environment is formed in the silo, so that the feed can be stored for a long time. There are many kinds of raw materials that can be used as silage, such as corn stalks (preferably continuous spikes), sugarcane tails, elephant grasses, sweet potato vines, peanut vines, and sweet potatoes. (b) Method of silage No matter whether silos, silage towers or silages are used in the construction of cellar sites, the location should be selected where the terrain is relatively high dry, sunny, solid soil, well-drained, and close to the cowshed. 2. The size of the cellar must be sturdy, airtight, and watertight. The conditional cellar wall and cellar floor can be made of stones. The size of the pit depends on the quantity and type of silage. Different types of raw materials, the volume of silage is also different weight, generally about 450-650 kg of feed per cubic meter. The capacity of the silo is based on the volume of the silo (cubic meters) multiplied by the weight of the green feed per cubic meter. The volume of the silo is different because of the shape of the cellar. The volume of the square cellar (cubic meters) = cellar length (meters) X cellar width (meters) X cellar depth (meters). The volume of the circular cellar (cubic meters) = cellar area (meters 2) X cellar depth (meters). 3. Raw materials used as raw materials for silage should be cut short. The purpose is to make the raw material flow out a lot of juice to facilitate the growth of lactic acid bacteria, and it is also conducive to compaction. 4. Filling silage raw materials to be packed with the flattening of the compaction, especially the cellar around the edges to be more compacted, exhaust air, reduce retention gaps. 5. After the capping pit is full, a plastic film is placed on the silo, a layer of straw is placed on top, and the cover is sealed. If the quality is dry, some water can be sprinkled to make the soil sturdy. Cover it with a thickness of about 60 centimeters, and pile up the soil into a bread shape. After frequent inspections, it is found that subsidence or cracks must be repaired in time to prevent rainwater from flowing into people and ventilating and affecting the quality of silage. (C) Open silos used for feed silage can be used after 40 days. When opening the cellar, first remove the cover soil and straw from the cellar surface. If the silage on the top floor becomes black, remove it and use it later. Good quality silage is yellow-green, aromatic and sour, succulent, soft and delicious texture. If it is dark brown with rancid or dry mold, it should not be used to feed cattle. Remove the silage should be used up days, do not stay overnight to avoid deterioration. After deteriorating the silage, the cow will eat and cause disease. The amount of silage used is generally 10 to 20 kilograms per day for adult cattle, 15 to 20 kilograms for dairy cows, and 5 to 10 kilograms for young cows. Third, roughage roughage is the main feed for cattle, containing more crude fiber, dry matter in the crude fiber content of more than 18% of the feed is roughage. Roughage includes hay, straw, and clams. It is characterized by its large size, high crude fiber content, and low nutritional value. The protein content of roughage varies greatly depending on the type of protein. Leguminous hay, pea vines, peanut vines, broad bean vines and other high protein content, up to 10% to 20%; grass hay 6% to 10%; straw, oyster shell protein only 3% to 5%, while crude fiber The content is 25% to 45% and the quality is poor. So don't give straw to the cows in winter. If you only feed straw, the cattle will not get the nutrients they need, they will lose weight, weaken, and even cause death and failure. This is also one of the reasons for the death of cattle in early winter and early spring. (A) Hay Hay generally refers to forage grass made from dried grass before seeding. Its nutritional value is related to the type of plant, harvest time, method of preparation, and poor storage. Good quality Grass is rich in crude protein, carotene, vitamin D and inorganic salts, and is a good roughage for cattle. (b) Straw straw feeds mainly refer to the stems and leaves of sub-species such as rice straw, corn stalks, and wheat stalks. This type of feed is characterized by large volume, low protein content, high crude fiber content (straw containing about 25% to 45% crude fiber), and low digestibility. Although the straw feed has low nutritional value, it is still a necessary feed for cattle. It is widely sourced and contains cellulose and hemicellulose. Penicillin is contained in the nitrogen-free leachables. These substances can be digested and used by cattle through the fermentation of rumen microbes. They can be used as a source of energy for cattle and can also promote normal rumen. Fermentation to prevent digestive disorders. However, the simple use of straw to feed cows has lower nutrient content, which often results in less nitrogen in the cow's cannibalism and a negative balance in nitrogen, which reduces the weight of the cow. Therefore, when using straw feed for cattle, it is best to supply a certain amount of green feed or protein feed at the same time to meet the nutritional needs. Straw with more crude fiber can be loaded into a concrete tank or tank. After it is filled to 80 percent, it is covered with a wooden grating and pressed with stones. Then, 3% of lime water or 3% of cooked lime water is added to soak 12 Remove fish after 24 hours, drain the residue and feed the cow, or shorten the straw (such as straw, etc.), add 0.6 to 1 kg of salt per 100 kg, and add 150 to 160 liters of water (heat water in winter and cold water in summer). Stir well and put it in the cement pool. It is practical and covered with sacks or plastic paper. Fermentation is performed. The cows are taken out in about 1 day. Alkaline treatment may also be performed with sodium hydroxide. Short straws are soaked in 5%-2% sodium hydroxide solution for 24 hours (approximately 100 kilograms of straw plus 800-1000 liters of sodium hydroxide solution can be immersed in the straw), and the water is used to wash the lye after feeding. . Alkali treatment of straw can make insoluble lignin into readily soluble hydroxy-petrodine, making the mosaic material and cell wall between plant cells soft, easily decomposed by cellulase and various digestive liquids, increasing feed intake and digestion. rate. However, during the alkalization process, some of the protein in the feed may be dissolved and the vitamins will be destroyed. Therefore, the legume straw with high nutrient content should not be alkalized. In addition, straw can also be ammoniated, ie, 3 kg of liquid ammonia (anhydrous ammonia) per 100 kg of straw. Stir stalks first to 2 to 3 centimeters and then sprinkle with ammonia uniformly. Covered with plastic film, sealed, do not leak, after 7-10 days to remove the straw to dry, so that the disappearance of ammonia, you can feed cattle. (3) Shell clamshell feed is a by-product of threshing of sub-real crops, including the outer shell of grains, impractical grains, and soft parts such as cobs and twigs that are detached during threshing, and also have mud. Sand, wild grass seeds and so on. Its nutritional value is slightly better than the straw of the same crop. The commonly used batch shells include buckwheat, peanut shells, and unreal grain and broken leaves blown out by the wind gorge. Among them, various kinds of soybean meal contain high protein content and good quality; the crude fiber contents of chaff and peanut shells are relatively high (about 45% to 60% on a dry matter basis), the digestibility is low, and the protein content is small. Fourth, concentrate feed concentrate refers to the sub-substances such as grasses and legumes and their processing by-products. It usually contains less crude fiber, higher energy and protein content. According to the content of sugar and protein, concentrate feed is divided into energy concentrate and protein concentrate. (1) The content of crude fiber in dry matter of energy feedstuffs is less than 15%, crude protein content is less than 20%, and nitrogen-free extracts (sugars, fats) account for 60% to 70% of feedstuffs are energy concentrates. Cereal seeds and its processing by-products and root and tuber feeds. The main purpose of using it to feed cattle is to supply energy. The characteristics of energy concentrates in nutrition are high starch content, low crude fiber content, easy digestion and utilization, and less protein; less calcium and more phosphorus, more B vitamins, and less vitamin A and vitamin D. Therefore, it is best to feed some cattle with energy feeds and some protein feeds, and appropriate calcium and vitamin A supplements, so that the cattle's diet is complete nutrition. Commonly used energy concentrates are corn, wheat, barley, oats, broken rice, flour, bran, fine clams, sweet potatoes and so on. 1. The net energy value of corn and corn is high and easy to digest. The digestibility of nitrogen-free extracts is over 90%, and protein content is 7% to 9%. The lack of lysine, methionine and tryptophan in the protein of corn is a high-energy diet with incomplete nutrients. When used with the right amount of protein feed, and add some inorganic salts and vitamins. 2. Wheat Iron (Bran) Wheat bran is a by-product of flour processing, and its nutritional value varies depending on the coarseness of the flour. The powdered skin has a higher nutritional value, and the coarse powder has a lower nutritional value. Drum skin is rich in B vitamins, protein content of 12% to 17%, good palatability, with laxative effect and nursed back to health, less calcium, phosphorus and more. 3. Rice bran Rice bran contains less crude protein, less crude fiber, less calcium, and more phosphorus. Rice bran contains more fat and should not be fed too much to prevent diarrhea. In addition, rice bran is susceptible to oxidative rancidity and should not be stored for long. 4. Sweet potato Sweet potato contains many starches, contains less crude protein and crude fiber, is easy to digest, and has good palatability. (2) The protein concentrate contains more than 20% crude protein in feed dry matter, and the crude fiber content is less than 18%. For cattle, a wide range of protein feeds include protein-rich oils, their processing byproducts, and non-protein nitrogenous substances suitable for rumen microbiology such as urea and biuret. Commonly used protein concentrates are mainly oil by-products, such as soy cakes, peanut cakes, coconut cakes, rapeseed cakes, cottonseed cakes, etc., and bean curd slag is also a protein concentrate. 1. Soybean cake (soybean cake) contains 40% to 45% protein. Good palatability. Raw soybeans contain antitrypsin, which prevents digestion of the protein. When used, it is best to fry or boil raw soybeans to destroy the antitrypsin. 2. Peanut cake (peanut iron) peanut cake is a good vegetable protein concentrate, containing 40% to 49% crude protein, good palatability. Peanut cake should be freshly used, do not store for a long time, otherwise it is susceptible to moisture degeneration and is also easily contaminated by Aspergillus flavus. 3. Coconut cake coconut is one of the specialties of Guangdong and Hainan. The coconut cake contains 18%-22% of crude protein, high crude fiber content, and high calcium and phosphorus content. 5. Inorganic salt feed contains the mineral elements necessary for livestock and poultry, and the substance used to supplement inorganic salts in diets is called inorganic salt feed. The inorganic salts that cows need to supplement are mainly sodium, chlorine, calcium and phosphorus. Bovines are livestock that are mainly vegetable feeds, while plant feeds contain less sodium and chlorine and contain more potassium, so they must be supplemented with sodium and chlorine. Salt contains sodium and chlorine, and common salt is used to supplement the deficiency of sodium and chlorine. When calcium and phosphorous are insufficient in cattle diets, inorganic and salt feeds with different contents of calcium and phosphorus may be used to supplement them. Commonly used to supplement calcium and phosphorus inorganic salts are: (a) limestone powder limestone powder is made of limestone crush. It is a calcium supplement that contains 350-380 grams of calcium per kilogram of limestone powder. (b) Bone meal is a good supplementary feed for calcium and phosphorus. It contains 2 to 90,360 grams of calcium and 120 to 150 grams of phosphorus per kilogram. If the bone powder used as fertilizer to feed cattle, must be fully sterilized before use. (c) Shell powder Shell powder is made from a variety of shells (such as oyster shell, clam shell, clam shell, etc.), contains more calcium carbonate, 320 ~ 380 g per kilogram of calcium, is a good calcium supplement material. (d) Calcium hydrogen phosphate dicalcium phosphate can be used as a calcium, phosphorus supplement for cattle, with approximately 220 grams of calcium per kilogram and 180-210 grams of phosphorus. (E) Eggshell powder is generally crushed from the eggshell after sterilization (or high temperature drying). The main ingredient is calcium carbonate. Per kilogram of calcium 300 to 350 grams.

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