Look at the shape of watermelon malformation

main performance:

The uneven development of the fruit of P. guajava showed normal development on one side and stagnation on the other side due to poor ovary development, uneven pollination, and poor fertilization.

The horizontal diameter of the flat guarana is greater than the longitudinal diameter, making the melon flat. The low temperature of the female flower or the melons in the low-potential female flower is easy to form a flat melon.

The peduncles of the sharp-stemmed melons become thinner and the stems expand. Insufficient supply of nutrients during fruit enlargement and high-spotted fruit set-up make it easy to form sharp-edged melons.

The top of the gourd gourd is close to the dilated part of the flower pedicle, while the smaller part close to the stem is gourd-shaped, which is caused by poor fertilization.


1. In the 2 to 4 true leaf stages of flower bud differentiation, avoid the influence of low temperature (night temperature above 13°C), proper fertilizer and water supply, spraying new high-fat membrane insulation, antifreeze, and balanced nutrition. 2. Control the fruit-setting section and select the second to third female flowers to stay in the melon. 3, in the morning 8 to 10 hours to collect heterosexual female flowers artificially assisted pollination, to pollen evenly coated on the stigma, the amount of pollination should be sufficient, pollination temperature is maintained at 20 °C ~ 30 °C, improve pollen activity. 4, timely correction of fruit shape operations, turn the young melon, in the fruit development process at least 1 or 2 times. 5. Watermelon should be replenished with fertilizer and water in time of continuous drought in the fruit setting period, and pay attention to increasing phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.

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