Common errors and countermeasures of wheat in autumn sowing

I. Improper selection of species

The sowing of spring and weak winter varieties in the Zhonghua and Zaoxian plots will cause the wheat sprouts to prosper before the winter, which is not conducive to safe wintering. Countermeasures: On the basis of early demarcation and repression, pre-winter soil shall be used to encircle the roots, or a cover shall be applied to “protect the head of manure” to protect the wheat seedlings from wintering safely.

Second, sowing too early

The wheat sowing was too early. After the seedlings were unearthed, the leaves were narrow and long, and the pods were lacking. The main stem and a part of the big buckwheat were differentiated before the winter and the spikes entered the two-legged stage. In the winter, when the temperature was about -10°C and sustained for about 5 hours, Freezing damage will occur. Countermeasures: timely repression, inhibition of the growth of the main stems and large maggots; pressure after the timely scratching, combined with watering, Mushi ammonium bicarbonate 15 kg, if necessary, with 0.2% -0.3% chlorcholine solution foliar spray to Control leggy, resist freezing injury.

Third, sowing too late

Due to the short growing period before winter and the insufficient accumulated temperature, the growth of young wheat seedlings is thin and the number of tillers is small. Countermeasures: Mainly use paddling and replenishing fertilizers, and apply 10-15 kg of ammonium bicarbonate in the three-leaf stage; soils with poor soil moisture and fast water seeps, and timely flooding after the three-leaf stage (however, appropriate moisture or soil moisture, Poorly waterlogged plots should not be watered before the winter); the last time it is ploughed before freezing, it is necessary to pay attention to the soil surrounding the roots in order to protect the seedlings safely overwintering.

Fourth, sowing too shallow

Wheat sowing depth of 3-5 cm is appropriate, sowing shallow (less than 3 cm), the growth of young wheat seedlings, bare tiller section, tiller is more than small, not drought, susceptible to frost and premature aging. Countermeasures: Squeeze a few times before emergence, combine the roots of the soil after the emergence of seedlings. If necessary, cover the soil with a cover soil or cover the “headed manure” during the wintering period to prevent overwintering and freezing.

V. sowing too deep

The wheat is sown too deep (more than 5 cm), the emergence is slow, the leaves are slender, the tillers are small and small, the secondary roots are weak, and the wheat seedlings are thin. Countermeasures: Timely clearing the earth. The method is to use a bamboo rake or shovel to start from the center of the sorghum surface and to cross the ridge. When clearing to the last line, all the remaining soil can be dragged onto the back of the sedge. For proper sowing of wheat, clear stalks before winter are generally used. From the second leaf stage to the end of "little snow."

Sixth, the broadcast volume is too large

The performance of wheat seedlings is crowded, the plants are yellow, thin, weak, and their individual development is poor, with few tillers. Countermeasures: First, sparse seedlings, especially in the fields, fields, and fields, should be sparsely and sparsely so as to establish a suitable group structure and promote individual development; finally, combine watering and topdressing a small amount of nitrogen. Phosphorus-efficient fertilizers to make up for the excessive consumption of soil nutrients.

Seven, base excess fertilizer

After the emergence of wheat seedlings, the growing trend was over-prosperous, with more tillers, more leaf blades, and more serious fields. Countermeasures: When the main stem of wheat grows 5 leaves, it is 5-7 cm deep between the rows of wheat, cut off some secondary roots, control nutrient absorption, reduce tillers, and cultivate strong seedlings.

VIII. Lack of lyricism after broadcast

The performance of the emergence of wheat seedlings difficult, or after the birth of the childbirth was born slowly, leaf color grayish green, short leaves, slow growth or stagnation, the base leaves gradually become yellow and dry, small and thin roots. Countermeasures: After sowing wheat, it is necessary to check the soil moisture in time, affect the plot where the waterlogging condition is insufficient or dry, and carry out small-water irrigation under the condition of water pouring, and promptly suppress the water-free pouring condition 1-2 times.

Nine, after sowing soil too wet

After the wheat seedlings were unearthed, the leaves were pale yellow and the tillers were born slowly. When they were severe, the tips of the leaves became white and dry. Countermeasures: Timely deep cultivating ventilation, and applying a small amount of quick-effect fertilizer to promote early-onset seedlings.

Tenth, incomplete after emergence

Countermeasures: After the sowing of wheat, the seedlings should be checked in time. Once the seedlings are found to lack seedlings, complete the supplements. The method is: replanting. Select the same variety as the lack of seedlings, first soaking seeds under suitable temperature conditions, germination, or soaked with 25,000 times naphthaleneacetic acid or 500 times potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution for 12 hours, and then sowing, in order to facilitate emergence and growth; plant. For land patches that are not ready for replanting and replanting, there is still a lack of seedlings that can be transplanted and planted on the spot in the wheat tillering period. Transplanted wheat seedlings should be selected from 1 to 3 seedlings. The depth of transplanting should be “without burying the roots and not displaying whiteness”. The transplanting time should not be later than “little snow” so as to facilitate the transplanting. Seedlings and wintering.

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