Australian research says medical cannabis does not necessarily alleviate chronic non-cancerous pain

Australian research says medical cannabis does not necessarily alleviate chronic non-cancerous pain

July 10, 2018 Source: Xinhua Author: Chen Shanhui

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Xinhua News Agency, Sydney, July 8 - Australian researchers published a report in the latest issue of the British "Lancet Public Health" that medical marijuana does not necessarily alleviate chronic non-cancerous pain.

Opioids include cocaine, methadone, morphine, etc., mainly for the treatment of pain, but repeated use is easy to addiction. More and more people in the world are trying to use medical marijuana to treat chronic non-cancerous pain. But medical cannabis can reduce the use of opioids is only a guess, the medical community has been lack of convincing experimental evidence.

Researchers at the National Drug and Alcohol Research Center in Australia recruited 1,514 patients with chronic non-cancerous pain in community pharmacies to assess their pain, health, and medication and medical marijuana use annually. These people have an average pain time of 10 years, and the average time to take prescription opioids for pain is 4 years. Four years later, about 80% of people completed each assessment.

The results showed that people who used medical marijuana said in a series of assessment reports that they felt more painful and more uncomfortable, that life was more inconvenient, and that medical marijuana was not effective in relieving pain. This suggests that medical marijuana does not necessarily help reduce the pain and anxiety of the patient, nor does it help reduce the dose of opioids.

"The chronic non-cancerous pain is a complex problem. For most people, it is unlikely that there will be an effective treatment," said Gabriel Campbell, lead author of the Australian National Center for Drug and Alcohol Research. We have not found strong evidence that the use of medical marijuana can alleviate pain in patients or reduce the use of opioids."

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