Kidney disease should not eat too much tofu

Tofu is made from soybeans, green beans, black beans as raw materials, processed by soaking, refining, filtering, boiling, thinning, solidifying, and forming. It is one of the most widely used and most popular cooking ingredients. Chinese medicine books record: tofu, sweet and cool, with Qi and the effectiveness of detoxification in Sheng Jin. As the saying goes, "Green bean curd is safe and healthy." This is exactly what people praise for the nutritional health care value of tofu. Although tofu is good, there are disadvantages to eat more, too much will harm health. In particular, patients with renal insufficiency should not enjoy too much tofu.

One, too much to eat tofu on kidney damage:

Promote renal function decline

Under normal circumstances, the plant protein that people eat into the body undergoes metabolic changes, and most of them become nitrogenous wastes and are excreted by the kidneys. In the elderly, the ability of the kidneys to excrete waste decreases. If you do not pay attention to your diet, eat large amounts of tofu, and consume excessive amounts of plant protein, it will inevitably increase the amount of nitrogen-containing waste generated in the body, increase the burden on the kidneys, and make kidney function. Further decline is not conducive to good health.

Patients with kidney deficiency

Chinese medicine believes that tofu is cold, cold stomach and diarrhea, bloating, spleen deficiency and kidney failure often appear spermatorrhea should not eat more.

Second, excessive damage to eat tofu:

Induced dyspepsia

Tofu contains extremely rich in protein, and eating too much at a time not only hinders the body's absorption of iron, but also easily causes protein indigestion and bloating and diarrhea.

Promote arteriosclerosis

American medical experts point out that soy products contain extremely rich methionine, which can be converted to cysteine ​​by the action of enzymes. Cysteine ​​can damage endothelial cells in the arterial wall, easily depositing cholesterol and triglyceride on the arterial wall and promoting the formation of arteriosclerosis.

Lead to iodine deficiency

The soybeans that make tofu contain a substance called saponin that not only prevents atherosclerosis, but also promotes the excretion of iodine in the body. Long-term excessive consumption of tofu can easily cause iodine deficiency, leading to iodine deficiency disorders.

Promote gout attack

Tofu contains more purines, gout patients with metabolic disorders, gout patients, and patients with elevated serum uric acid concentrations can easily cause gout, especially for patients with gout.

Third, warm reminder:

Eat tofu in moderation

Tofu not only contains eight kinds of essential amino acids, but also its proportion is close to the human body and the nutritional potency is higher. Therefore, eating tofu in moderation is beneficial to health.

Chemical Toxicants "Stir" Stinky Tofu

Stinky tofu is usually made through procedures such as fermentation, pickling, and soup preparation. During the fermentation process, it is easily contaminated by microorganisms and it also volatilizes a large amount of base nitrogen. White bean curd should be turned into stinky tofu. Under normal circumstances, white tofu is left for a period of time to allow natural fermentation and odor. But in this case, the time is too long to affect business. In order to increase production, some unscrupulous hawkers simply inject chemical ingredients into white bean curd, which catalyzes the rapid deterioration of tofu. The chemical components remaining in tofu are toxic and harmful to the human body.

Appropriate tofu foods

Suitable food

1, white radish

Because tofu is a plant protein, eating more can cause indigestion. The radish, especially the white radish, has a relatively strong digestive function, so the two are best eaten at the same time, which has the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach and eliminating swelling.

2, mushrooms

Shiitake is good for hypertension and heart disease patients. It is a good weight-loss beauty food and has the effect of improving human immunity. Tofu is rich in vegetable protein, and it is rich in nutrients. Both are healthy and healthy.

3, kelp

Kelp contains a lot of iodine, and tofu can promote the excretion of iodine, and the same food with kelp can balance the body's iodine content.

4, fish

The content of methionine in tofu is small, and the content of amino acids in fish is very rich. Tofu contains more calcium, and fish contains vitamin D. The combination of the two can increase the body's absorption of calcium.

Relative food

1, spinach

The bean curd contains magnesium ammonia, calcium sulfate, and spinach contains oxalic acid. The two substances encountered together can produce magnesium oxalate and calcium oxalate. Can not be absorbed by others, it is easy to suffer from stone disease.

2, bamboo shoots

Tofu and bamboo shoots together will destroy the nutritional value of both, and it may also produce stones.

3, honey

Honey is cool and cool, and it is easy to cause diarrhea with tofu.

4, white

White and tofu with the food, but also easy to form stones.

Dried shiitake mushrooms produce a lot of aromatic substances during the drying process, so the aroma is stronger and suitable for stewed meat. The fresh shiitake mushrooms have a light flavor and a refreshing taste, and are better cooked with vegetarian dishes. When soaking dried shiitake mushrooms, do not take too long, it is better to be 20-40 minutes, otherwise its fragrance and nutrition will be lost.

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