Fruit Growing Techniques - Fertilizing Techniques and Key Points for Chinese Chestnut Orchard

First, apply base fertilizer

Basal fertilizer is the basic fertilizer for the whole growth and development of chestnuts, which can enhance the photosynthetic efficiency of the leaves, help restore the tree vigor, and accumulate more nutrients, laying the foundation for the next year's high yield. Generally after harvesting fruits in the fall, combined with deep plowing to improve the soil, it is applied at the same time, mainly organic fertilizer. Tree with medium tree, moderate fertility, and more results, about 2000 kg of farmyard manure in Mushi, and 1.0-1.5 kg/plant of sulfur-based compound fertilizer.

The main fertilization methods are as follows: (1) Radial furrows are centered on the trunk, and 4-6 ditches are drilled at equal distances along the edge of the canopy. The width of the ditches is 30-40 cm. The length of the ditches depends on the size of the canopy. 2 Within the crown, 1/2 is outside the crown; the depth of the trench is about 30 cm, and the depth of the trench deepens from the inside to the outside. 2 Apply a fertilizer to the annular groove with a width of 40-50 cm and a depth of 50 cm at 20-30 cm outside the crown. This method is suitable for young trees with small tree crowns. 3 The strip groove is applied to the opposite sides of the crown slightly deeper than 50 cm, 40 cm wide, depending on the size of the crown and the fertilization ditch, fertilizer applied.

Second, a reasonable fertilizer

Fertilizer before flowering: The first time before and after germination, nitrogen fertilizer is the main type. High-nitrogen compound fertilizer can be applied to 0.3-0.5 kg/plant, which can promote hair-spraying, flowering, and increase fruit setting rate and yield.

Strong fruit fertilizer: In the early fruit expansion after flowering, application of high-potassium compound fertilizer 0.5-1 kg / strain, can promote fruit enlargement, improve yield and fruit quality.

In addition, in the growing period of May to July, pest control should be combined with spraying pesticides, adding manganese, magnesium mixed spray, supplementing trace fertilizer. In order to prolong the functional period of the leaves, the single-grain weight of the nuts is increased, and the accumulation of nutrients in the fruits is increased, thereby increasing the commercial value of the fruits.

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