China successfully cultivated ultra-fine wool sheep

With the unremitting efforts of Chaoyang Yixing Animal Husbandry Technology Development Co., Ltd. and animal husbandry experts in Liaoning Province for several years, it has succeeded in cultivating a new breed of sheep – the ultra-fine wool sheep, making China the second largest superfine wool sheep after Australia. country.
According to the expert group of Liaoning Provincial Livestock and Poultry Breeding Resources Committee, the average wool of the ultra-fine wool sheep reached 14.77 microns and the mother wool reached 14.64 microns, which is better than the international standard of 18 microns.
According to reports, ultra-fine wool sheep can produce wool with a diameter of less than 18 microns. Superfine wool can be used to weave more than 80 yarns of fabric. Now only Australian Australian Merino wool sheep can produce such wool in the world. The material is rare and valuable. The wool and fabric of the ultra-fine wool sheep can be regarded as rare high-end products.
Cultivating superfine wool sheep is one of the national 863 science and technology projects. As early as the late 1990s, animal husbandry experts in Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province began to devote themselves to the cultivation of superfine wool sheep. Jianping County is one of the national fine wool sheep production bases. It is also the northeast fine-wool sheep breeding cooperative area and conservation area. Fine wool sheep have a long history of production.
The average yield of Northeast Fine-wool sheep is 13.5 kg for rams and 6 kg for ewes. The average fineness of wool is 58-60 pieces. The quality of wool is good, and it is homogenous with Merino superfine wool.
The experts started with genetic mutations in the Northeast fine-wool sheep, cultivated through modern biotechnology, and adopted the embryo transplantation method to expand the population. This has now led to the development of a new population of superfine wool sheep in Liaoning with a population size of 565 and a total of 12 pedigrees. The output of superfine wool sheep in Liaoning Province is higher, with average ewes producing 5 kg and males producing 7.5 kg.

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